Uri  Care Drink
Urinary Wellness | Uric acid

Herbal mix

Herbal drink mix for regular cleansing

Urinary Wellness | Kidney Wellness | Uric acid management 

Net.Content : 50 grams

No added chemicals. Natural ingredients

The content is in powder form

A quality product from Satvi Wellness

How to prepare: Boil 2.5 – 5 grams of Uri care drink powder in 300 ml pure water. Boil under low flame and reduce in to 200 ml. Strain properly before drink this water. In general practice, take 50 ml 4 times a day. Drink in warm condition is advised.

Ingredients : Boerhavia diffusa, Tribulus terrestris,Sida cordifolia,Hygrophila auriculata,Tinospora cordifolia, Zingiber officinale.

Herbs of healthy life

Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava ) :As per the Ayurvedic literature, it is claimed to be rejuvenative to the urinary system.[8] Ayurvedic text also mentions that B. diffusa improves the function of impaired kidneys and in edematous conditions, it helps the normal kidneys expel the excess fluid out of the body very effectively.Flavonoid, arbinofuranoside, present in the drug, was found to lower serum uric acid in experimental animals, as also in humans.

Tribulus terrestris (Gogshura ) caused diuresis,[30] hastened the process of dissolving the preformed stones, and increased the excretion of urea, creatinine, and uric acid as well as normalized the kidney functions.

Hygrophila auriculata is conventionally used as an core ingredient in for the management of Gout and urinary tract conditions.

Tinospora cordifolia : Studies suggests the appropriate use of this herb can aid the management of uric acid. Tinospora cordifolia, commonly known as guduchi or amrita, is another important medicinal plant in Ayurveda. It is a potent tonic, and is effective for fever, and urinary diseases.

High levels of uric acid in your blood typically indicate that your body is making too much uric acid or that your kidneys aren’t removing enough uric acid from your body.

Uri Drink | Herbs for Urinary wellness | Herbs for Kidney Detox | Satvi Uri Drink

Not advised during pregnancy and in Polyuria

Not a medicine. A health supplement